2023 Annual Report












School News


Gratitude & Opportunities


School Anthem




Meet our awesome leaders who served for the year.
Enoch Asante-Bediako [‘85] – President
Richmond Nettey [‘99] – Vice President
Gladys Mante-Nyadu [‘84] – Secretary
Lillian Hunter-Segbefia [‘92] – Treasurer
Janice Koranteng [‘92] – Assistant Treasurer
Yaw Anim Obiri [‘88] – Registrar
Lynda Sarpong [‘90] – Assistant Registrar
Hayford Asare-Tabiri [‘81] – Project Officer
Stephen Ohene-Larbi [‘86] – Assistant Project Officer
Vera Larbi [‘82] – Regional Coordinator (US Region) Joyce Saforo [‘83] – Regional Coordinator (Canada Region)
Kingsley Addo [‘94] – Regional Coordinator (Africa, Europe, Asia & Australia Regions)

The two-year term of leadership ended at the close of the year. However, all leaders except one chose to continue serving for an additional two-year term, with some taking on different roles. We are extremely grateful for their ongoing service and dedication.

Our heartfelt gratitude goes to Hayford Asare-Tabiri who has served as the Project Officer since inception of NAA and decided to step down after serving for so long.

We are also appreciative of Stephen Ohene-Labi and Kingsley Addo for stepping up to serve as Lead and Assist Project Officers respectively for the next term, with Hayford’s departure.

Richmond Nettey

Vice President

Lilian Hunter-Segbefia


Joyce Saforo

RC, Canada



At the start of the year, there were 80 registered members. 76 members remained at the end of the year. Birthday celebrations remain the main and most successful way to keep members interested. Interest and involvement in the "Hot Seat" spotlight continued to wane.


Leadership Meetings
Leaders met monthly, as planned. Meetings and ongoing engagement on the Executive platform were the major and most effective means of communication among leaders for doing business, coordinating decisions and activities with NOSA, and carrying out plans.

General Meetings
Two general meetings were held as planned during the year. The first meeting for the first half of the year took place in April, and the next meeting for the second half of the year occurred in December

The attendance for both meetings fell short of expectations, with 20 attendees for the first meeting and 29 for the second. However, both meetings were very insightful and fruitful. The second meeting was graced by the presence of the new Headmistress, Mrs. Cornelia Kpelle. Discussions with her highlighted the importance of discipline and maintenance culture on campus. Her strong leadership, plans for discipline, accountability, and overall progress of the school are promising and have generated excitement about our partnership with and support for her efforts.



The overall financial health of NAA remains sound.

A new account was opened with Bank of America to replace our TD Bank account due to administrative difficulties encountered in managing funds at the latter.

Funds were raised and disbursed for the Boys’ Dormitory and ICT (Computer Science) Laboratory projects.

Financial Summary:

The year began with a balance of US$23,258.60, which included general and project fund proceeds, and ended with a balance of US$12,685.21 in our accounts.

All currencies are converted and reported in US dollars ($)

Opening Balance (Jan 1, 2023)


General Fund Balance *


Project Fund Balance **


Receipt (Jan 1-Dec31, 2023)

3,121.61 (+)

Project Fund


ICT Lab Fund


Expenses (Jan 1-Dec31, 2023)

13,695.00 (-)

Incorporation Renewal Fee


Bank Service Charges


Boy's Dormitory Project


ICT Lab Project


Closing Balance(Dec31, 2023)

12,685.21 (+)

General Fund Balance


Project Fund Balance


ICT Lab Balance


Corrections to book-keeping error – Opening Balance Allocation Adjustments
*Decreased General Fund Balance by $50 - from $3,192.22 (2022 Closing Balance)
**Increased Project Fund Balance by $50 – from $20,066.38 (2022 Closing Balance)



In addition to collaborating with NOSA to fund significant cost-intensive projects, NAA adopted the idea of identifying and fully sponsoring relatively low-cost activities each year to help address the school's immediate needs. In light of this, we decided to undertake a project to refurbish the school's computer science laboratory.

ICT (Computer Science) Laboratory Renovation

The NAA sponsored and entirely funded the renovation of the school’s ICT Laboratory at a total cost of US$2,650. The refurbishment was funded with proceeds from a special fundraiser that yielded approximately US$2,700. The project included the replacement of computer servers, electric power stabilizers, air-conditioning units, windows, louvres, as well as painting.

We are grateful to the school authorities for embracing this idea and providing us with the opportunity to undertake this project. We extend special thanks to Mr. Sam Gyasi, a NOSA servant leader, for his recommendations, leading the planning efforts, supervising purchases, and overseeing the renovation work on site.

Gratitude is extended to the members who generously responded with donations on short notice to fund the project.

Commencement of Boys Dormitory Renovation

In partnership with NOSA, the much-anticipated renovation of the Boys’ Dormitory began, following a successful fundraising campaign that raised enough funds to support the project. The renovation is expected to be finished in 2024.


School News

Appointment of New Headmistress

During the year, there was a change in leadership at the school. Mrs. Cornelia Kpelle, who previously served as Assistant Headmistress, was appointed as the new Headmistress following the departure of Dr. P. V. Akoto, who had been in charge for many years. We are grateful for Dr. Akoto's leadership and extend a warm welcome to Mrs. Kpelle. We had the honor of meeting her and hearing her thoughts during our last general meeting, and have been regularly interacting with her since.

Special Recognition

Unveiling of renovated School Entrance ~ ’83 Year Group
Congratulations to the 1983 Year Group for funding and unveiling the beautifully restored school entrance.

Commencement of Dining Hall Renovation ~ ’98 Year Group
Another big shoutout to the 1998 Year Group for stepping up and taking on the project to renovate the Dining Hall.

The commitment and generosity of both year groups are making a significant difference and are greatly appreciated. We hope that more year groups will follow suit, either independently or collectively with NOSA.


Gratitude and Opportunities

Thank you, and congratulations, to our servant leaders. We look forward to continued member support in achieving NAA's goals in the coming years.

Our servant leaders have the opportunity to serve and lead effectively; our members have the opportunity to build a legacy of progress and generosity; and our year groups have the opportunity to help improve the standards and image of NSHS. By working together, we can create opportunities and help open doors of successful for upcoming generations.

Let’s live our alma mater’s motto – Integrity and Service – remind ourselves and practice every word of the school anthem – Great NISEC!

We’re the people of Great NISEC
We walk in the path of our predecessors
We crack the brains and break the bones
We’re the people of Great NISEC
We walk on the path of truth and light
And do the will of God always
Integrity and Service, our motto
Great NISEC, we live for Ghana, Ghana, Ghana!

Humbly and proudly,
2023 Servant Leaders